Friday, February 7, 2014

Guppies Fry Batch #1

My pregnant guppy had fish fry! It was about time... she was pregnant for over a month! I started feeding them crushed fish flakes and instant brine shrimp. I counted over 28 fry and hope many of them survive into adulthood. Will be looking to re-home some of these when they are ready to leave the nest.

Day 1: Discovered that the pregnant guppy was not-so-pregnant after all. I was in denial of her supposed "miscarriage" and inspected the tank. I notices tiny small dots (eyes) staring back at me at the bottom of the tank. The poor babies were hiding in between the gravel and underneath my structures (maze cube and treasure chest). I don't know how many were eaten by the mother fish or the other ones in the tank. I spent two hours scooping up all of the guppy fry and placed them in a mesh breeder. I counted so many of them and they swim so fast.

Day 2: I noticed every time I fed the fry, I would find one more free swimming fry in the community tank. I was worried that they would not get the food they need to grow or worst, get eaten by other hungry fish. So I moved all the fry to a separate 1 gallon tank to raise them until they are old (big) enough to join the other fish in the community tank. They're still so tiny but growing everyday!

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